Thursday, 15 May 2008
Would you ever quit eating fast food?
After reading my blog do you think that you would quit eating fast food at all? Would you at least try to eat less fast food? Are you going to do what is best for you? Well if you truly want to quit or stop eating fast food there are ways you can. You can first try to limit yourself from eating a lot of fast food. If you are trying hard to quit eating fast food, Good luck!
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Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Should obese people be ban from restaurants?
Have you ever thought that obese people should be ban from restaurants? Is being obese wrong? Should they have the right to eat in restaurants at all? Should they be denied to ask for greasy and oily food? Should they be force to eat vegetables and nutritious food only?
Fast food main targets are ...
Studies have showed that fast food industries have targeted toddlers because they have showed their commercials mostly on Nickelodeon channels, Disney channels and on shows such as the Sesame Street. These are shows that kids these days watch most often today. They picked that time to broadcast their commercials so they can send messages out to children “linking that eating fast food can bring you fun and happiness.”
Overall I do think that fast food industries main targets are focused on children because even my niece that is only two and a half knows that McDonald taste good and always want to eat it whenever we pass by McDonald. She would always recognize the big yellow M in McDonald and tell me to go in and get her some fries and she would always want the meal because she wants the toy too. If I don’t, she would get all mad and start crying saying I want to eat it. Sometimes I would just get the fries and leave.
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Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Cheeseburger Bill
Monday, 12 May 2008
How to prevent obesity from happening?
I think that are three steps that you must take in order to prevent obesity. First of all people should try to eat more nutritious and healthier food so the food won’t contain a lot of fat and calories. Second you should have more self control on what you eat all the time so you won’t over eat. Third of all is that after all your meals you should defiantly do exercise to burn off the calories that you just ate so you won’t get over weighted or get fat over time. I think that if people follow these steps they won’t even become over weighted and if they don’t become over weighted they won’t become obesity. Since obesity does mean that you are 30 lbs above your normal weight.
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