Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Cheeseburger Bill

Have you ever heard of the Cheeseburger Bill? Do you think this bill is something related to cheeseburgers or something? Well if you do think that way then you are wrong! It has nothing to do with burgers at all. The Cheeseburger Bill is also called the Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act. This bill is a bill that prevents people from suing fast food companies because they are becoming obesity due to eating too much fast food.

After eating fast food for a long time people start becoming fatter and then they start suing McDonald, Wendy’s, KFCs, Burger King, and etc. The first lawsuit against fast food happened in 2002 when a guy sued McDonald for his obesity and diabetes. Ever since that lawsuit people began suing fast food companies. So the house decided to make a law so that people can’t blame the fast food restaurants for their obesity problem. “The US House of Representatives has voted 276-139 for a bill that would prevent lawsuits against the food industry for making people fat.” If we have self control over what ever we eat obesity would not happen. In today’s society almost one in five Americans today are either obese or overweighed. But this bill still hadn’t become a law yet because the bill still hasn’t been approved by the Senate.

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